
Showing posts from March 22, 2009

So Long, Farewell...

Last night was the last night for our small group acting as a “medium group”. We finally made the decision to “rip the band aid off” and birth off the new group. I personally have been ready for this for a month or so now. Although I have loved this group with every fiber of my being (and I honestly do mean that), I’m ready to make room for new people, share lives with others and continue to grow in Christ with these people. With the increasing size of our group, I’ve been a bit concerned with us not being as “gelled” as we used to be, not allowing our true selves to show, and even becoming stagnant in growth (and in that I mean growth in Christ, growth with each other, and even growth in numbers). And so last night was it. I’ll go ahead and openly admit that I’m somewhat of a mess this week anyway with other things going on so it was no surprise (well, maybe a little) that I was crying off and on all day yesterday. It reminded me of when we built the new church and had to say go...

What I've Learned Thus Far

What I’ve learned so far at my new job: Hyperlinks. I’ve learned that there are absolute and relative hyperlinks. When using an absolute hyperlink, it’s easy and will most definitely work…unless you’re making a webpage and then all bets are off. When using a relative hyperlink, it will most likely work…unless you’re holding your mouth a certain way on the third Tuesday of the month while wearing black shoes with nude knee highs and then all bets are off. Microwaves. I’ve learned that unless you wish to take your life into your own hands you NEVER use the microwaves on the first floor. They are disgusting and both are in the same condition. After asking if there was one that was somewhat clean, I was told, “Oh your poor thing. I forgot to tell you about that…” and shown the microwave in the “kitchen” on our floor. Although it is cleaner than those downstairs, it does seem to be on its last leg (or rubber knobby thing) and I therefore do not recommend standing in front of it while in ope...