My Wife's love for the ...
As you can guess by the title, this post is actually written by Ryan. We had a revelation tonight - an awakening if you will... Now, I know my wife pretty well. I mean, we've been married for three years now, and dated for a couple before that and all, so I think I know a lot about her - including her love for the mayonnaise. This isn't really a surprise. She loves the stuff. On a hamburger? Both pieces of bread. Hot dog? Both sides (mayonnaise at all on a hot dog is weird, but smothering it on there enough that the hot dog refuses to stay in the bun is the level to which the mayo is applied). Grilled cheese? YES (and I mean before it gets grilled ::shivers::). All this is old hat. I've come to terms with it. What I hadn't realized was that mayonnaise is apparently the great life-giver -- like water! It soothes the sole, cures what ails you! At least that must be the case, because we have a supply the likes of which Publix would be jealous of... How about a ...