
Showing posts from October 9, 2011

A Trip to Denver: Close Family Style

We recently made a trip to Denver, Colorado to witness my brother-in-law get married to an awesome girl. While I really don't want to say that the trip was awful, it certainly didn't go according to plans. Of course, we've come to terms that nothing we ever do goes according to plans. Putting in a new sink faucet? That'll be six trips to Home Depot for parts. Installing new floors and want to do it in the three weeks that you have off from work? That'll be five weeks (although the quarter round still isn't painted...four years later). Changing out the brakes on my car? That'll be four hours and a few choice words to get that one stubborn part off the car. Got a new quilting frame and you're super stoked about using it? That'll be a month until the company sends you the correct bolt that keeps the platform from bouncing causing your thread to break every three seconds. Going to take an anniversary trip to St. Augustine? That'll be torrential...