Seeing Shades of Green

So it’s been a busy couple of weeks. I feel like I’m falling back into the working schedule as well as the gym schedule, Bible study schedule, and various other schedules for groups I’m involved in. Lately I’ve been very tired and worn out and…well, blah. I actually didn’t go to the gym today because I feel like I just need a break. At some point in the future, I think I might have to start pulling on the reigns and quit signing up for things. Last Saturday Ryan and I traveled to AL (or LA) to attend my grandmother’s side’s family reunion. I know that for most people a family reunion seems like the most boring thing to do on a beautiful Saturday or possibly just another event to hear “I used to change your diapers!” or “Have you been eating fertilizer?” and my favorite, “The last time I saw you…!”. However, this was not the case on Saturday. We went, visited, ate, told stories about relatives already gone, visited some more, and finally headed home. This was the first family re...