Camping at Marianna Caverns
This past weekend we went camping in Marianna with some good friends. Because I had to give a presentation Saturday morning for work, I couldn't go out for Friday night but I drove out there right after the presentation.

Right before we left we all decided to do one of the shorter trails. Everything was going fine until Sebastian got stung by a bee. It was pitiful. We had to head back to the truck with him three-leggin' it 'cause he wouldn't let me hold him. Fortunately, Aunt Adria had some Benadryl Gel and once we got that on it, he was feeling a little bit better. He slept the WHOLE way home and was walking almost normal by nightfall.
It was a always. I think the main reason I like camping is because you're so limited on what you can do. You can't check the email, you can't watch movies, you can't work on projects, you can't even work on crafts. Pretty much all you can do is walk around, take a nap, eat and my a fire burn. It's WAY better than watching paint dry and probably more calming.
I took Sebastian with me hoping he would be okay and behave. And of course, he was an angel. Saturday night he sat in the chair and slept like a rock. He was so sweet in the tent and only barked once when he heard Adria cough in the next campsite. I was a proud mother!
We also took the tour of the caverns Saturday afternoon. I had seen them once when I was really young...before the Big D...but forgot how neat everything really was. I actually listened to the tour guy this time and learned something, too! We also learned that when they tell you to bring a jacket because it's cold down there, they're probably lying...'cause these guys were. It was so hot and everyone was sweating. We couldn't tell if we were stinking or if it was just the cave itself.
I was definitely impressed with the amount of work that the COE put into making the caves accessible. Pretty awesome. I'd like to know how many man hours it took to dig all of that out.
Here are a few pictures...
The mirror looking part was actually a pool of water that had collected from the previous night's rain. It was really beautiful. The picture doesn't do justice.
This was pretty neat. This was actually the ceiling of the cave. You can see fossils of scallop shells in there. Pretty neat...
This was my favorite...when the COE were putting in lights, apparently the lights were really dim. So...they took some military issued porcelain bowls and put in them in the cave ceiling above the lights to act as reflectors. Value engineering as its finest.
Ryan enjoying the tour while sweating like a pig...
Right before we left we all decided to do one of the shorter trails. Everything was going fine until Sebastian got stung by a bee. It was pitiful. We had to head back to the truck with him three-leggin' it 'cause he wouldn't let me hold him. Fortunately, Aunt Adria had some Benadryl Gel and once we got that on it, he was feeling a little bit better. He slept the WHOLE way home and was walking almost normal by nightfall.
So...all in all it was a great trip. The weather was perfect and I can't wait until we go camping again. Wait...I think that's next weekend! Yep...we're hitting a small portion of the AT this coming weekend. I'm totally not prepared so I'm freaking out.
Also...I'm pet-sitting my parents' dog, Pheobe, this week and she and Sebastian will be attending the Halloween party at PetsMart tomorrow night. I'll be sure to post those pictures.