So...tonight we went to see 3D. Pretty fun. Tommy can get these movie tickets through the hospital and you only have to pay the matinee fee but you can see the movie whenever...and we had four that expire at the end of the tonight we saw Bolt.
Cutest movie I've seen in a while. If you love (or even like) dogs, you NEED to go. So freakin' cute. And yes...I'll admit it...I cried. Can't tell you when, but yeah, had to wipe some tears away. I was speeding the whole way home just so I could get home to my sweet puppy.
Dogs are awesome. Dogs are wonderful. I never understood this when I was younger but it's really true what people say about dogs. They're always so eager to please you and make you happy. Sometimes I honestly think Sebastian does things just to make us laugh. He cuddles with Ryan on the couch ALL the time. Tonight while I was waiting for Ryan to come home from work, I was on the couch reading. Sebastian jumps up on my feet and lays down but gently puts his head on my foot. Tell me that isn't sweet.
This morning I was getting ready for the gym and I opened the sock drawer (I think Sebastian really thinks that drawer is on the bottom JUST for him...seriously!) and he pulls out a pair of socks. After I get them back, I pull them apart and he goes for one of them. After I get it back, I put it under my right foot (to hold it down) while I try to put the other sock on my left foot. Yep, you got it, he grabs the toe of the sock and starts trying to pull it off my foot! How can you not laugh at that?
And then there's the protective Sebastian. When Ryan plays cards on Thursdays I usually go to bed before he comes home. I'm not the scaredy cat type, but I still like Sebastian on the foot of the bed until Ryan comes home. And he definitely lets me know when Ryan comes home. He's actually gotten to where he can hear Ryan's stereo system in the car when he pulls in the driveway. But the sweet thing about it is that Sebastian won't leave the bed when he hears the door opening. He'll stand up and bark his lungs out...but he won't leave me alone in there.
Seriously...he's the best dog I could ever have hoped for. And after seeing Bolt tonight...I love him all the more. And yeah...I's an animated Disney movie in 3D...big friggin' deal. But I don't care. I enjoyed it, cried a little (I think Ryan did a little bit, too) and my puppy's sleeping with us tonight. He totally deserves it.
Cutest movie I've seen in a while. If you love (or even like) dogs, you NEED to go. So freakin' cute. And yes...I'll admit it...I cried. Can't tell you when, but yeah, had to wipe some tears away. I was speeding the whole way home just so I could get home to my sweet puppy.
This morning I was getting ready for the gym and I opened the sock drawer (I think Sebastian really thinks that drawer is on the bottom JUST for him...seriously!) and he pulls out a pair of socks. After I get them back, I pull them apart and he goes for one of them. After I get it back, I put it under my right foot (to hold it down) while I try to put the other sock on my left foot. Yep, you got it, he grabs the toe of the sock and starts trying to pull it off my foot! How can you not laugh at that?
Seriously...he's the best dog I could ever have hoped for. And after seeing Bolt tonight...I love him all the more. And yeah...I's an animated Disney movie in 3D...big friggin' deal. But I don't care. I enjoyed it, cried a little (I think Ryan did a little bit, too) and my puppy's sleeping with us tonight. He totally deserves it.