My New Toy!'s been about a month and we've been pretty stinkin' busy. We'll play catch up some other time...right now I'm excited about my new came in the mail Friday.
Ryan has been eyeing this new tiny lap tops. I honestly didn't see what the big deal was but after some persuasion, I caved and let him order me one....yeah, that's what I said...he wanted to order it for ME instead of him. Crazy, huh? Kinda caught me off guard, too.
So he orders me a Dell Mini...and it's pretty mini. 9" screen, super tiny keyboard...he even ordered it in pink! I love my man. The Fedex guy got here and I almost asked him if he was sure he had the right box for me. I honestly thought that there was no way it could be in that tiny box. It was.'s freakin' small. I love it, though. The keyboard is definitely going to take some getting used to...I keep hitting the wrong keys 'cause they're so small. But other than that...I love it.
Here's a pic...

Ryan has been eyeing this new tiny lap tops. I honestly didn't see what the big deal was but after some persuasion, I caved and let him order me one....yeah, that's what I said...he wanted to order it for ME instead of him. Crazy, huh? Kinda caught me off guard, too.
So he orders me a Dell Mini...and it's pretty mini. 9" screen, super tiny keyboard...he even ordered it in pink! I love my man. The Fedex guy got here and I almost asked him if he was sure he had the right box for me. I honestly thought that there was no way it could be in that tiny box. It was.'s freakin' small. I love it, though. The keyboard is definitely going to take some getting used to...I keep hitting the wrong keys 'cause they're so small. But other than that...I love it.
Here's a pic...