The Kong
So...if you have a Kong, you already know it's a WONDERFUL dog toy that gives you free time by making your canine buddy "work" for his/her treat. There are special Kong treats that you can buy but they're kinda pricey so we just put any treat in there that won't fall out on its own. We used to put plain dog biscuits in there and the only way Sebastian would ever get any of the treat was if the biscuits broke against each other while he was bouncing it all around the house. Eventually, he learned that if he pushed it off the end of the bed, every once in a while the biscuits would break and he'd get some treat. It got to where he'd push it off, look over the side of the bed, jump down, bring it back up to the bed, and start all over. Well, lately he's found another method to win the prize...
He puts the Kong on his brown bed (that's his favorite color, we think...he only gets on brown blankets and such...kinda weird, but whatever) grabs a mouthful of bed, yanks on the bed so the Kong goes flying and the runs after the Kong to see if anything has come out. We can't quit never gets old. You may not find it as funny as we do...but I'll share anyway.
He puts the Kong on his brown bed (that's his favorite color, we think...he only gets on brown blankets and such...kinda weird, but whatever) grabs a mouthful of bed, yanks on the bed so the Kong goes flying and the runs after the Kong to see if anything has come out. We can't quit never gets old. You may not find it as funny as we do...but I'll share anyway.