I Love a Good Saturday
For various reasons the band Ryan plays in at church is having to practice today at 2:00. Since it kinda puts a little damper on the day's activities (since it's in the middle of the day) last night he suggested that we maybe go to yard sales and "run the road" Saturday morning...so I could have some fun. (Isn't he the BEST?!) I took up the offer (of course) and this morning we got up early, bought a paper, and hit the road. Yard sales were pretty scarce...we only hit two. However, the second one we hit was awesome. This lady had tables and tables of clothes all priced at 50 cents. !!! Apparently, her daughters (all about my size...how convenient!) had a true love of clothes and when they left for college, they left all the stuff they didn't want. Again, how convenient. I bought $10 worth and was SO excited. The lady had run out of bags so as I was carrying them to the car, I was dropping pieces in a breadcrumb-style trail and cracking up at myself.
After that we hit the Waffle House for breakfast. This we don't do super often but when we do, we enjoy it so much. We sit, talk, eat, laugh, and just have a great time. I don't know why, but it's one of those "little things" that we really do enjoy. I guess it just doesn't take much to make us happy.
We get in the car and decide to go walk around Sam's. So we're on our way, driving down 23rd Street and come up on the Human Society Thrift and Gift. Of all the thrift stores, I think I love this one the most. The ladies that run it are SO down to earth and SO nice and they sell the stuff SO cheap. Love those girls. Real quick I ask Ryan if it's okay if we stop in to check out the books (again, it doesn't take much), he says sure so I pull in. They've just opened. We walk in and she's giving out plastic garbage bags...hmmmmm...she starts explaining that they're having another one of their bag sales.
Now let me explain this wonderful event for all thrift store shoppers. You're given a bag and you're charged a flat price for whatever you can cram in the bag. When I was little, my mom and I would hit the Habitat for Humanity thrift store in Marianna (I'm a serious thrift store veteran...and proud of it) and you got a paper grocery sack for $3. That only included clothing and also excluded formals (however, my mom once cheated and got me a plain formal dress (sequins took up too much room, she said) so I could play dress up...she's so good). Since this was when money was REALLY tight, she'd roll up each item, stuff it in the bag, go behind a rack of clothes, take her shoes off, and STAND on the pile of clothes in the bag...to really compact them so we could make the most of the bag's space. I look back now and wonder why we didn't just buy another bag's worth, but...alas. Helping Hand thrift store (now closed) would also have Bag Day but it wasn't exactly as good since you only got a plastic bag and were charged $5. But...Humane Society Thrift and Gift...they know how to do it. Their bag day features a GARBAGE bag (and I'm talkin' black leaf bags) and free reign of the "warehouse" (the area used for storage of items needing sorting). Now you can't include electronics or furniture (those are $5 each...seriously, a lady in front of us bought a table and its four chairs for $5), but anything else you can get in that bag, it's yours for $5. I've seen ladies put lamps in there. It's truly a beautiful thing.
So Ryan, being the most wonderful husband, sees my puppy-dog eyes and tells me to go ahead and get a bag and do my thing. And I go nuts. And, here's how really wonderful he is, after a while I hear him telling a lady that he'll help her get a rack to the front if she does indeed want it (it was too heavy for her to pick up)...thirty minutes later he's moving another rack for a store worker...he's holding my bag ('cause it was too heavy for me to hold anymore)...and he even unties it after I find more stuff, when I thought I was done. He's wonderful.
Here's my loot. For the record, I got 13 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shorts, 1 2-pc suit, 2 dresses, 2 jackets, 11 sweaters (ss and ls), 11 button up shirts (for work), 30 "other" shirts, 12 new bottles of craft paint, 17 glue sticks, 1 purse...and Ryan got 12 various cords and wires. All of this for the reasonable price of $15 ($10 at the yard sale, and $5 at the thrift store). I am a happy woman.

An hour later, we finally make it to Sam's, find more treasures, then on to Super Walmart, then home, and he's now at church practicing. THIS is my kind of Saturday. Later we'll get a nap, have a "fun supper", and relax.
For now, I'm off to begin laundry.
After that we hit the Waffle House for breakfast. This we don't do super often but when we do, we enjoy it so much. We sit, talk, eat, laugh, and just have a great time. I don't know why, but it's one of those "little things" that we really do enjoy. I guess it just doesn't take much to make us happy.
We get in the car and decide to go walk around Sam's. So we're on our way, driving down 23rd Street and come up on the Human Society Thrift and Gift. Of all the thrift stores, I think I love this one the most. The ladies that run it are SO down to earth and SO nice and they sell the stuff SO cheap. Love those girls. Real quick I ask Ryan if it's okay if we stop in to check out the books (again, it doesn't take much), he says sure so I pull in. They've just opened. We walk in and she's giving out plastic garbage bags...hmmmmm...she starts explaining that they're having another one of their bag sales.
Now let me explain this wonderful event for all thrift store shoppers. You're given a bag and you're charged a flat price for whatever you can cram in the bag. When I was little, my mom and I would hit the Habitat for Humanity thrift store in Marianna (I'm a serious thrift store veteran...and proud of it) and you got a paper grocery sack for $3. That only included clothing and also excluded formals (however, my mom once cheated and got me a plain formal dress (sequins took up too much room, she said) so I could play dress up...she's so good). Since this was when money was REALLY tight, she'd roll up each item, stuff it in the bag, go behind a rack of clothes, take her shoes off, and STAND on the pile of clothes in the bag...to really compact them so we could make the most of the bag's space. I look back now and wonder why we didn't just buy another bag's worth, but...alas. Helping Hand thrift store (now closed) would also have Bag Day but it wasn't exactly as good since you only got a plastic bag and were charged $5. But...Humane Society Thrift and Gift...they know how to do it. Their bag day features a GARBAGE bag (and I'm talkin' black leaf bags) and free reign of the "warehouse" (the area used for storage of items needing sorting). Now you can't include electronics or furniture (those are $5 each...seriously, a lady in front of us bought a table and its four chairs for $5), but anything else you can get in that bag, it's yours for $5. I've seen ladies put lamps in there. It's truly a beautiful thing.
So Ryan, being the most wonderful husband, sees my puppy-dog eyes and tells me to go ahead and get a bag and do my thing. And I go nuts. And, here's how really wonderful he is, after a while I hear him telling a lady that he'll help her get a rack to the front if she does indeed want it (it was too heavy for her to pick up)...thirty minutes later he's moving another rack for a store worker...he's holding my bag ('cause it was too heavy for me to hold anymore)...and he even unties it after I find more stuff, when I thought I was done. He's wonderful.
Here's my loot. For the record, I got 13 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shorts, 1 2-pc suit, 2 dresses, 2 jackets, 11 sweaters (ss and ls), 11 button up shirts (for work), 30 "other" shirts, 12 new bottles of craft paint, 17 glue sticks, 1 purse...and Ryan got 12 various cords and wires. All of this for the reasonable price of $15 ($10 at the yard sale, and $5 at the thrift store). I am a happy woman.
An hour later, we finally make it to Sam's, find more treasures, then on to Super Walmart, then home, and he's now at church practicing. THIS is my kind of Saturday. Later we'll get a nap, have a "fun supper", and relax.
For now, I'm off to begin laundry.