Day 3...a little late

Yesterday was a bit of a setback. But for good reason.

I was great for breakfast and lunch. I had my regular English muffin with butter and Ovaltine (more Olvatine, please!) and for lunch I finished off the leftover mini meatloaves. Snacked on some blueberries and watermelon, toasted Ritz crackers. I was also able to finish off the bag of Reese's Pieces in the freezer (yes, you can freeze candy. I do it all the time.), but that's besides the point.

My mom came over and brought us some Brunswick Stew. So for supper we had that and grilled cheese sandwiches. I discovered that one of the packs of singles was expired (as of November 2009...oops) so that was thrown out. Never fear, I had a brand new pack in the fridge. Sigh....

Ryan was invited to go fishing and needed some things for the trip. We headed to Walmart, but I was ready...kinda. I knew we already had bread, lunch meat, pretzels...things like that. We did have to buy bottled water, Dramamine, bananas, ginger snaps, and a new cooler. These were all things that we absolutely didn't have at the house and Ryan needed for his trip. So I let those slide. I did buy four bottled cokes (16 oz size) for myself. I've been drinking coke zeros all week and dang it, I wanted some sugar. I also was planning on doing a little craft show thing this morning and knew I'd want a real I splurged. (Remember, Queen of Excuses.) But...I'm over it. :-)

More later on how Day 4 is going. So far so good. (Pinto Beans for supper. I think Ryan's scared.)


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