Day 8: Going Strong
Busy day but a good one. I planned out our supper way ahead of time. My niece came over again today for a little while and happened to be here for lunch. I asked her what she wanted for lunch and she asked, " you have a hot dog?"
Do I have a hot dog....?
Honey, it's your lucky day. I've got three packs in the freezer.
I fixed her a hot dog (light, all beef), cut up an apple, and gave her a few chocolate goldfish (although she laughed at them, I did notice she gobbled them up).
For supper I cooked a tortellini dish. It was from a recipe card I grabbed at Publix one day. Although I didn't have all the ingredients, I think it turned out pretty was something different.
Do I have a hot dog....?
Honey, it's your lucky day. I've got three packs in the freezer.
I fixed her a hot dog (light, all beef), cut up an apple, and gave her a few chocolate goldfish (although she laughed at them, I did notice she gobbled them up).
For supper I cooked a tortellini dish. It was from a recipe card I grabbed at Publix one day. Although I didn't have all the ingredients, I think it turned out pretty was something different.
Florentine Tortellini
1 8oz package cheese filled tortellini
2 tbsp olive oil (you can probably get away with 1)
1 9oz package fresh spinach leaves (I didn't have these)
2 14.5oz cans diced tomatoes, undrained (I only used 1 can)
1 16oz can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 tsp dried oregano (I used about a half)
2 garlic cloves, minced (I just used garlic powder)
1 tsp crushed red paper flakes (didn't have...not really sure what they are)
freshly grated Parmesan cheese (I used our "shakin' cheese)

1 9oz package fresh spinach leaves (I didn't have these)
2 14.5oz cans diced tomatoes, undrained (I only used 1 can)
1 16oz can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 tsp dried oregano (I used about a half)
2 garlic cloves, minced (I just used garlic powder)
1 tsp crushed red paper flakes (didn't have...not really sure what they are)
freshly grated Parmesan cheese (I used our "shakin' cheese)
- Cook tortellini according to package directions; drain. Set aside and keep warm
- Meanwhile, in a large skillet heat oil over medium heat. Add half the spinach; toss until wilted. Add remaining spinach; toss until wilted. (I didn't have spinach so I obviously didn't do this.) Add tomatoes, beans, oregano, garlic, and red pepper flakes. Cook 3 minutes (or the amount of time it takes to put a pacifier back in 18 times), stirring occasionally.
- Add cooked tortellini to skillet; toss gently to combine (I'm quite clumsy so I never "toss"...I just stir with spunk.) Heat through. Season to taste with salt and pepper (I actually forgot to do this). Spoon into shallow bowls (not sure why...does it taste better in a bowl?), sprinkle with Parmesan, and serve.
- I also sprinkled some dried parsley on it because I just think it always makes dishes look pretty. I bet I could sprinkle a hot dog with parsley and it would look pretty.
This meal ranked okay to pretty good on our list. Ryan and I aren't big fans of chickpeas (texture, dry...just not our favorite bean/pea) and since there was a whole can in there...they were a little overpowering. But...the rest of the dish was really good. I think the spinach would have made it even better.
Oh, and if your baby should have a blowout right after you put everything on the table, requiring a diaper, outfit, and bouncy seat cover change? It reheats really well. :-)
So...another day under my belt and out of my freezer.
I leave you with a little something special...
Oh, and if your baby should have a blowout right after you put everything on the table, requiring a diaper, outfit, and bouncy seat cover change? It reheats really well. :-)
So...another day under my belt and out of my freezer.
I leave you with a little something special...