The Toy Box
I awoke this morning and remembered that I haven't blogged in a quite a while. I have definitely put the crafts on hold for the months of October and November. Oct and Nov have not been nice. They've thrown ugly things our way, pushed us to the limits, and laughed in our faces about it. We're still hanging in there (possibly holding out for Black Friday?), and with God's help, we're making it. Not that I'm complaining (or bitter), but here's a short list of what we've had thrown at us:
This Saturday morning I'm already up with Lane and trying to keep quiet so Ryan can get some healing sleep. Hopefully today we'll get to do something fun as well as rest...and tackle another "stress causing item".
Until then, I'll leave you with my latest craft. I completed it about a month ago, but forgot to post it. I did, however, post the instructions on our crafty blog here. It was super easy and, I think, pretty stinkin' cute. I'll be working on finding another craft to finish as soon as Lane takes a nap.

And...I'll throw in another picture of the boy...I'm pretty taken with him, too. :-)
- I got some weird rash that looked like ringworm...only it was everywhere. Went to the doc and got some cream, steroids, and reassurance that I wasn't contagious, fungal, or nasty.
- Ryan had some serious fatigue. Turned out to be a somewhat easy fix, but it totally threw us for a loop.
- Lane decided to have a cup of Joe. He managed to pour my cup of coffee on him and burn his legs. Thankfully, they weren't bad and cleared up after a week.
- Lane decided to be a steam roller and roll off the bed. Thankfully, he rolled off the front and didn't hit any furniture so I think it just scared him (and us). And no, he doesn't sleep with us, we just had him sitting up there for short time.
- I messed up my back. Again. It was pretty bad. Thankfully, one of our best friends is a PT and was able to help get me back on my feet in a few days.
- My boss was scheduled for training and we had some pretty big things lined up for the same week. I was informed that I'd be giving the presentation. With lots of preparation needed, and already being swamped, I had quite a few days of going in early and coming home late...which stinks when you only get an hour each day with your sweet, sweet baby.
- This past week as my boss was gone for training (leaving me in charge), Ryan also had to attend the same training. My first day of Single Mom Week Lane came down with Baby Roseolla. I'd noticed a rash but thought it was because I'd switched to generic "free and clear" detergent. The (wonderful!) babysitter called that afternoon and told me she thought it was roseolla. Tuesday I stayed home with him and we saw the doc. Thankfully, it was only viral, no strep throat, and he'd be clear very soon. Thankfully, also, we have AMAZING parents and between mine and Ryan's, every shift was covered.
- Friday (yesterday) Ryan comes home after a week of being gone and he's got a cold. What I had originally thought would be a grand homecoming...wasn't. I stopped at the store on the way home, bought some real Sudafed (with the good stuff) and walked in to say, "Hey. Welcome home. Here's the meds." Thankfully, it's just a cold and we'll make it through.
This Saturday morning I'm already up with Lane and trying to keep quiet so Ryan can get some healing sleep. Hopefully today we'll get to do something fun as well as rest...and tackle another "stress causing item".
Until then, I'll leave you with my latest craft. I completed it about a month ago, but forgot to post it. I did, however, post the instructions on our crafty blog here. It was super easy and, I think, pretty stinkin' cute. I'll be working on finding another craft to finish as soon as Lane takes a nap.
And...I'll throw in another picture of the boy...I'm pretty taken with him, too. :-)