A Christmas Story...about us

I’m planning on sending out a Christmas letter this year. No, I’m not particularly excited about it. If you know me well, you might know that I have always stood firm in the idea that I would never send out a Christmas letter. Why? It’s not that I have anything against people that do send them out; on the contrary, I really enjoy them. My phobia of sending one out stems from a lady my aunt used to receive letters from each year. Although I never knew her, my aunt would get the “brag letter” as we called it, and she and my mom would read it with rolled eyes and point out each “brag” item. And thus my phobia formed…I never thought I’d be able to send out a Christmas letter that didn’t sound like bragging. Instead, I’ve always tried to write some sort of personal message to the card’s receiver as well as include a Christmas-themed scripture. However…enter my sweet, precious, TIME EATING little boy, Lane.
This year, I just don’t have time. It’s not that the desire isn’t there…I long to take multiple evenings and write out cards to each person and, sorry if it sounds hokey, but make it known that I love and care about each person that gets a card. But...this year I’ll be sending out a Christmas letter. Don’t laugh, but I’m absolutely nervous about it. I don’t want it to sound brag-y (even though God has showered us with blessings), whine-y (even though we’ve had some “stuff” hit the fan recently), or totally cheesy either (‘cause…I’m just kinda cheesy…I accept it and I’m okay with it). Each time I sit down to write it I ask myself, “How do I write one letter to 50 people that not only updates them on our past year, but also conveys what each of them mean to me?”
Tomorrow Ryan is planning on doing some “guy stuff” with friends, and Lane and I will be having some “us” time. During naptime, I’m hoping to tackle the letter. The session will probably include coffee, good music, maybe an episode of “18 and Counting” (I’m SO seriously hooked), and quite possibly lots of prayer. For those of you who receive it, I’d like to go ahead and apologize early.
Tomorrow Ryan is planning on doing some “guy stuff” with friends, and Lane and I will be having some “us” time. During naptime, I’m hoping to tackle the letter. The session will probably include coffee, good music, maybe an episode of “18 and Counting” (I’m SO seriously hooked), and quite possibly lots of prayer. For those of you who receive it, I’d like to go ahead and apologize early.