Why I Love Yard Sales, Thrift Stores, and the Occasional Trash Pile
If you know me, you know I'm frugal.
2. Next, my sewing/task chair. After months of sitting on a folding card table chair, I longed for something that swiveled on wheels. We looked at Target, Walmart, and even junk stores, but I refused to pay $40 for something that looked cheap and flimsy. Then my neighbor was having a yard sale. Our other neighbor had brought down a few things to sell and this little chair was one of them. Yes, it's bright pink, and yes, the fabric is stained. But...it's actually very comfortable, it doesn't squeak, and it's actually quite sturdy (meaning I don't cringe if Ryan sits in it). I have every intention of recovering the seat...just haven't tackled that yet. But I'm going to. Seriously...I am.
My file cabinet. I searched craigslist for weeks and found this puppy in a yard sale. The lady even had her husband and fil load it in my mom's van (vans are great if you don't have a truck).
If you really know me, you know I'm cheap.
It's no secret that I love a good deal. I've always had a special place in my heart for yard sales, thrift stores, and yes, a few trash piles (only clean ones...that's another story that involves some flower pots and a cat poo smell thankyouverymuchmommydearest). I've known people that would rather be beaten with brick sticks than enter a Goodwill, pull up to a yard sale, or (gasp!) pop the trunk to toss in a piece of fresh roadkill. I, however, have never had a problem with it. (Technically, that's not entirely true. There was a phase in my life that I was embarrassed to stop at yard sales. It probably had something to do with my mom yelling at me from a stranger's garage, "Kelley! Get out of the car and get up here! They've got your favorite brand (Esprit) and everything's 25 cents! Why are you sinking down in the seat? Get up here!" I should also probably add that this was screamed in the same neighborhood where my main crush lived.
Devastating. Absolutely devastating.

(By the way, when I googled Esprit for the logo picture, I found that they're still making clothes. Eek! I had no idea! I'm so excited now!)
But, other than that brief time, I haven't had a problem with it. I love to hit thrift stores on sale days. I love hitting a good yard sale, especially when you walk up and the people say, "Make me an offer...I'm not taking it back inside." It's at that moment that I know I'm coming home with something. And trash piles? I'm somewhat sheepish about it, but I can't deny it...I love finding a really good item sitting by the road. Sometimes...and Ryan hates this...I go for walks the evening before trash day. Don't judge.
So...and no, I'm not bragging...but here are some of my most favorite deals of recent days:
1. First up, my 'custom made' bulletin board. I'd been growing weary of chasing the pattern instruction sheets across the table and floor while working on projects. While trying to figure out a fix, I found this bulletin board at a yard sale. Nothing was wrong with it and it even had the hangers attached to the back. I got it, brought it home, and used spray adhesive to cover the cork portion with fabric (that almost matches my curtains). Love it. (Although be sure not to let my mother borrow the spray adhesive. Apparently she never had that elementary art teacher that constantly drilled into your head, 'A little will do. A lot? Will not.'... thank you very much, Mrs. Brown.).
3. Oooooohhh....this one almost caused issues. My parents were supposed to be on their way over and as soon as they walked in, my mom says, 'Kelley, there's something I want down the road and I need you to come help me get it.' I instantly saw Ryan's eyes begin to roll and Tommy's head start to shake...but I threw on my flip flops and hit the door. We get down the road and it's an outdoor patio set...SITTING BY THE ROAD!!! Since she and Tommy were in the truck, we hop out, grab the bungee cords (I swear we must've looked like professionals), pop up the truck bed lid and begin to load up the baker's rack (uh, yeah...I'm totally not kidding), four chairs, and table (shown below). We actually didn't have enough room for the table, so I grabbed my cell phone and called the house. Because my cousin was also visiting, I asked him to come down and help, 'and bring your truck!' He gets there, loads up the table and we're headed back home. What's so beautiful about this one (at least for us) was that while we were loading up, another lady and her hubby drove and up we hear, 'OH NO!!! They beat us to it!' They stopped and we chatted for a bit...apparently the two of them had been walking by and saw it by the road. She wanted it for her sister so they went home for the truck and missed the opportunity by about 90 seconds. No kidding. Just goes to show...timing is of the essence. Mom ended up taking the baker's rack and chairs (she already had a table...snort...from another 'roadkill' find in my neighborhood) and I took the table. I can't wait for the weather to get nicer (meaning not sweat-your-face-off-hot) so we can actually eat on the back porch without having to balance plates on our laps and yelling at the dog for nosing our drinks.
4. Okay, so technically this deal isn't recent, but I think it's a prime example of the Duggers' famous saying 'Buy used. Save the rest.' When we were only four or five months pregnant we were out hitting yard sales (btw, that's the correct terminology...you 'hit' yard sales...just in case you didn't know) and came up on a military family that was moving and was ready to unload their 'extras'. We ended up buying the infant carrier and base, coordinating stroller, high chair, swing, pack-n-play with bassinet attachments, and bouncy seat. It all matched (not that that was a major issue) and all received great ratings in Baby Bargains. It was all in fantastic condition with the pack-n-play barely showing any wear at all. It was a HUGE savings and we were so blessed to come up on the deal. While I was waiting for Ryan to back up the truck (trucks are so important...aren't you seeing that?) a lady walked up to me and said, 'Wow...that's really nice. There aren't even teeth marks on it.'
5. Ahh...my bread machine. I've recently gotten into the whole-eating thing. The more research I did, the more I determined that I really wanted a bread machine so I could make my own bread (and be able to pronounce all the ingredients). I did my homework and researched various models and types. After checking craigslist for weeks, I'd come to the conclusion that I was just going to have to buy one on Amazon. I'd get a middle-of-the-line machine and if later I determined that I was really into bread making, I'd splurge for a nice one. A friend of mine (Yo! Vic!) was having a yard sale and a friend of hers brought over a bread machine. V emailed me and told me about the machine and Saturday morning I was there. End result? I love it. I don't make bread as much as I'd like (probably a good thing, say my pants), but I LOVE LOVE LOVE using it.
And to keep this post from becoming a book on how to be cheap-o...I'll speed it up...
Food dehydrator...found in a yard sale. Works great and made cinnamon apple chips a new favorite.
Jogging stroller! After trying to walk and jog with the regular stroller, we determined that we needed a jogger (Ryan said he thought the wheels were going to fall off of the regular one). Found this one on craigslist, and it even came with an infant carrier and car base. Although it's not a super fancy one, it suits my needs for now and it's pretty comfy for Lane.
Don't laugh, but these shoes are some of my favorites. Because a 9.5 medium is a fairly common size, they're rarely on the clearance rack. I found these COMFORTABLE shoes in a yard sale, and they were practically brand new. I cannot tell you how much I love them.
Some of my favorite authors have been discovered in yard sales and thrift stores. I have a hard time paying for a brand new book. Paying 50 cents for a yard sale book? No problem. Also, Benji up on the top? This one is special. I used to have this same book when I was little. I loved, let me repeat LOVED, this book as a child. I loved that sweet dog and his scruffiness. That scruffiness is one of the reasons I picked Sebastian over his siblings as a puppy. Anyway, I found the book in a yard sale and grabbed it. I can't wait to read it to Lane over and over.
And I haven't even talked about clothes (mine and Lane's...Ryan is too hard to fit), shoes, and craft items. Seriously...I love a good sale. I know they aren't for everyone, but if you can get over the stigma, you can definitely save a lot of money and actually increase your variety of clothing and gadgets.
So...who's up for yard sales Saturday?