Beef Stroganoff and a Little Salad
We had a bit of a rough start to our say the least.

Remember how I was going to make the cookies for church last night? Ended up not making them because I was so worn out from Lane fussing about his teeth. He tried to be happy throughout the day, but molars are brutal and at 7:10 he finally wanted to go to hour early. After a nighttime diaper, pajamas, and a few minutes in the rocking chair, he was done.
Because I was so tired and exhausted (read: tired of hearing a certain boy cry all afternoon), I mixed myself a 'drink' and planted my butt on the couch...instead of making peanut butter cookies. At 10:00 pm I realized that my offering for tomorrow was missing cookies and I freaked out. Ryan, being the sensible one (read: being the non-drink-y one) suggested that we leave a little early, grab some cookies from Wal-Mart, and call it a win. I agreed that it was a fabulous idea (mostly because my arms felt a little heavy and I really just wanted to go to bed).
And then we woke up at 4:00 am this morning to Sebastian having another round of 'the sauce'. We aren't sure what he ate, but we are sure that it's wrecked his little tummy. What's worse than being woken up early in the morning? Waking up early in the morning and scrubbing a saucy poo out of bedroom carpet.
Needless to say, we ended up sleeping late. We woke up, jumped in the shower, and got ready in record time. I really didn't want to have to stop by Wal-Mart so I scoured the pantry for something...anything I could take for a snacky snack. I found a bag of veggie chips that I had yet to open. We had a huge stack of tiny cups so I grabbed those and threw all of it in a bag. Of course...since we then didn't need to stop by WM, we sat around the house sipping on coffee, trying desperately to wake up. Not our best morning. We didn't even get breakfast. Bummer.
I got to church and did the forehead slap when I realized I didn't plan anything for lunch. We ended up grabing a 'family combo pack' at WM, consisting of fried chicken, broccoli salad, and mashed potatoes. It certainly did its job, but we probably won't buy it again. Publix has spoiled us. (and yes, we did still have to run into that awful store for a few things...and yes I bought a few food items...a container of organic spinach for salads, new salad dressing, pumpkin pie spice (I want to make some coffee creamer from scratch), organic half and half, bread, and sour cream...I backslid a bit, yes, but, dang it, I'm tired of tacos with no sour cream).
For supper we had a small spinach salad (with my new dressing...Marzetti Poppyseed's totally worth the extra money! deeeelish!) and beef stroganoff with whole wheat spaghetti. Instead of beef tips I used pre-made/cooked meatballs I had in the freezer.
A couple months ago I took three pounds of beef, made a ton of delicious meatballs, baked them, and stored them in the freezer to use for later. I couldn't find the recipe tonight, but I'll find it and post it later (I pulled it from an issue of Clean Eating Magazine). The sauce was also leftover from the freezer. I had previously made homemade cream of mushroom soup and with that had made beef stroganoff sauce. Ryan didn't care for it the first time as it was quite a bit thinner than when I used to use the canned stuff (although the homemade has SUCH a better flavor). Because I didn't want to waste it, I poured it into ice cube trays, froze it, and then popped the cubes into a bag. It was the perfect amount for tonight. I added a little more than a tablespoon of flour and let it simmer on the stove to thicken up. Perfect.
Ryan. Loved. It.
I did, too!
Lane, however, didn't care for it that much...probably because he won't eat meat other than hot dogs (grrr...). Instead he had some plain noodles with a 'stick bread stick'. While they are pretty tasty, I really think he just likes pretending it's his magic wand.