Hello 2012!

I've watched everyone's 'cliff notes' versions of 2011.
I've seen numerous people's hopes for 2012.
Here are my own.

2011 was pretty rough (though not as bad as 2010), but it was also a huge year of change for us. This was the first year I made 'goals' (I refuse to call them resolutions because it takes a lot longer than a year to really resolve something...a pastor once told me that...and he was fairly smart) and this was the first year I can actually say I met a few of them.

I started eating and cooking better. At the end of 2010, Ryan and I were struggling on the health-front. He was having a few health issues and I was tired of feeling like a fat tub o' lard so I started doing some research on foods, ingredients, and...yes, I'm going to say it...the effects of highly processed foods on our bodies (Warning! Granola Mom Alert!). What I learned was pretty shocking so we started making small changes. NO, we aren't eating completely 'clean' nor do we eat every single meal at home, BUT, we've made some serious changes to our eating styles...I cook a lot more things from scratch, I no longer use white flour or sugar, we eat numerous organic fruits and vegetables, if we eat chicken, we only buy organic, we bought a cow (Ummm...yeah...technically we bought half a cow from a local farmer and it was hands down the best decision we made this year...if you're curious about it, feel free to ask. I'll never buy beef from the store again.), and we switched to organic coffee. Once we started eating better, we quickly noticed a difference in how we felt. Even though we aren't totally 'eating clean', we're eating a lot better and I'm calling that a win.

We also started recycling on a regular basis. Granted, I do live in a state that is decades behind others in terms of recycling, thus my recycling capabilities are somewhat limited, BUT I do recycle as much as possible and (Granola Mom Alert!) it makes me feel good to know that I'm trying to do something helpful.

We also have a new look on 'stuff'. This past year we pruned A LOT of the clutter in our home. We don't have a large house and it seemed that possessions had crept up on us. Little by little, room by room, we picked through stuff and got it out of the house. Granted, we still have numerous 'toys' for our hobbies, but if it was something that we hadn't used in a good while, it went to the thrift store. We started with the motto 'less is better' and it ended up becoming 'just get rid of it'.

There were some other stupid goals I had this year like getting birthday cards out on time (I was doing so well until September...), visiting grandparents more (also fell behind in September), and even trying my hand at gardening (it seems I suck at growing squash, but I'm CrAzZzZzY good at growing bell peppers...'cause basically anyone can grow those). But...I'm over my fear of growing something in the backyard and I'm enjoying it. Right now I have eight heads of lettuce that look like they belong in a magazine.

So what am I shooting for in 2012? Well, I'm going to try to tackle the same goals. I'm hoping I can get better at them. I'm also planning to take better care of myself...stress levels included. My job (that I really do love) has been particularly stressful these past few months. I'm hoping to chill out more and not let things get to me.

I also want to start crafting more. I seriously miss it and I also want to post to our craft blog more, so I'm really hoping to accomplish a few good craft projects.

I'm also taking more time for myself (and not feeling guilty about it). Even as I type this post, Lane is screaming at the door (and yes, I locked it)...and I'm okay with it (NOT a Granola Mom Alert). I've had him all day and I need some 'alone' time and I'm letting Ryan watch him so I can spend a few minutes by myself and I'M OKAY WITH THAT.

Another goal is to get back in the gym...which should actually do three things...1) Get me back in the gym. 2) Give me some 'alone' time. and 3) Provide topics for some great blog posts...'cause let's face it, I'm not the most coordinated and when I can no longer hold that huge bouncy ball between my legs and it goes flying across the room and I have to chase it by jumping over other ladies...that's something I wanna share with friends.

2011 was rough.

2012 might not be any better.

But either way, I'm going to meet it head on.

With some locally raised organic chicken.


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