2015: New Year Goals and (hopefully) Unbroken Promises

It's once again a new year. We get a fresh start. A clean slate.

On my computer monitor I have a little note with last year's goals:
1) Do not put off things that can easily be done today. (I did on some things....but missed others.)
2) Make a difference in others' lives-friends, strangers, charity. (Not sure if I did this or not.)
3) Use up what you already have. Repurpose, recycle. (I was doing fairly well...)
4) Be kind. Show Christ. (I tried.)
5) Read 12 books. (TOTALLY accomplished this one!)
6) Clean out items. (Yes. I did.)
7) Run a 5K. (TOTALLY missed this one.)

For the past week I've been brainstorming things I want to accomplish this year. I've also been thinking of things about me that I want to change. Granted, one year is nowhere near enough time to completely change something about ourselves, but it's certainly a start. Here's what I've got so far:

Lose-I want to lose 20 pounds. This may not seem like a lot, but I've never lost weight before (other than the pregnancy weight). If I actually do this, it will be big for me.
Exercise-I started attending a gymnastic class with a friend once a week. I'm not gonna lie; it's hard. Like...super hard. Each week I'm sore and don't want to go back, but it's fun, the other ladies are super sweet, and I know it's going to be good for me. I'm going to commit to this and continue to go as much as I can.
Finish-I want to finish various projects that I've been staring at for quite a while. There's a cedar chest, quilts, and other various large projects that I really want to complete.
Decorate-We've been in this house for two and a half years and I have very few things on the walls. We never painted our bathrooms. Only Hannah's room has a curtain. Our flowerbeds need 'doing'. It's time. It's time to make this place feel more like home.
Make Do-I want to make do with what we already have and spend less money buying new things. I have ten pairs of jeans that fit okay. I'm going to alter them so they fit better instead of buying new (might even try some skinny jeans!). Curtains will be made from fabric I already have (Lord knows I have enough).
Consume-I want to use up the stockpiles of things I have. Fabric, yarn, and other craft supplies are no good if I never use them. 
Be Patient-I want to yell less, smile more, know when to put my foot down and when to just let it go. There's a balance and I need to work on finding it.

Some things I'll continue from last year:

Read-I want to read at least six books this year.
Run-I'm GOING to run a 5K this year. It's gonna happen, people.
Help Others-A friend told me "We all have to hold hands crossing the road." I want to help others more. I don't know how, but I will. I want to make a difference.

The list could go on and on...I have tons of projects that I want to accomplish, but I don't want to overwhelm myself. I also have some goals that are more private (sorry, I'm not there yet). I hope to blog more this year. I'm hoping to share each project or experience throughout the year. Some may be funny; some may be instructional; some may be absolutely boring.

So...bring on 2015. So far I've already started making Hannah some doll clothes. My mother bought some doll clothing 'panels' (the ones that you buy in one-yard increments with all the fabric pieces and instructions printed on the fabric) at a thrift store and they are super duper cute. I started them last night and can't wait to finish them. I'll post pictures later. ;-)

Anyway, Happy New Year, friends. May we have the courage and motivation to make this year our best yet.


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