Days 16, 17, 18, and 19

Yes, I'm still alive. And yes, I'm still on track. Although we ate out a little this weekend, we did make progress on the freezer and pantry and we did refrain from buying any more food. So...I was a good girl!

Today has been one of those days that kinda makes you understand people that drink. :-) My day consisted of a series of:
  1. Spit up requiring clothing changes for Baby L and myself (one of which included my BRAND NEW shirt that I adore very much).
  2. Baby L waking from his nap after five whole minutes.
  3. Laundry mishaps due to a baby washcloth getting caught under the agitator and getting grease on numerous pieces of clothing (my mother is currently working on them)...and my favorite skirt coming out of the washer with a mystery blob of discoloration...I'm still mad about this one.
  4. Baby L waking from his nap after five whole minutes.
  5. A pile of tissues being shredded on the floor...compliments of Sebastian.
  6. Buying two new bras from Target with one missing the price tag. When she asked if they were the same and I said that they were, she said that since it was missing the number inside the bra she couldn't be sure. She acted like she wanted me to run back and grab another one. I just stared at her. She then scanned the first one twice. Smart girl.
  7. Baby L waking from his nap after ten whole minutes.
  8. Sebastian chewing on L's new baby shoe.
  9. Trying to enjoy my supper at the table with Baby L in his high chair while listening to L complete a blow out. Not at the table, Son, not at the table.
  10. Smelling something while trying to finish supper and realizing that it's L's dirty diaper. When I went to check him, I said, "Uh, what's that yellow on your hand? Agh!!! Gross!"
  11. Emergency bath for Baby L and washing of high chair cover.
  12. Baby L waking from his 15 minute nap.
There will be a nice cup of coffee for me in the morning. With creamer. Lots of creamer...that I bought for 9 cents. :-)


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