My Freezer Challenge Day 24 (I'll catch up later)

Okay, wow, I'm getting awfully close to the one month mark. Holy cow! I know I've cheated a few times (although it wasn't super bad cheating), but I'm really surprised that I've held on this long. I will admit, the itch to start couponing and stocking up has certainly started back. The Publix list came out this week and I found myself checking it...three times. And then? And then? I checked it over again. Old habits are hard to break.

So...Friday. Friday I finished off the frozen waffles with a glass of milk (By the way, I still have to pre-pour my glass of milk and set it in the refrigerator to make it extra cold. Why? Because that's how my mother did it.) Lunch was a Barber's stuffed chicken breast, squash, and okra. So good. Friday afternoon and evening we had a birthday party for a friend's daughter who was turning three so we ended up eating at their house. Pizza. Yes. Sweet manna from heaven. And cake, too. Mmmm....

My latest "food news" is that I've discovered coffee. For Father's Day I got Ryan one of the fancy shmancy Keurig coffee makers. I've always loved the smell of coffee but HATED the taste. Once I ate a coffee flavored Jelly Belly bean and honestly thought I was going to puke. (I also used to eat a ton of the blueberry ones to make my mouth and lips turn blue...once I pretended I was choking and my mother (go figure) got super mad. I DO NOT recommend this prank.) So coffee. Ryan picked out a flavor for me, brewed it, and Sunday morning I had my first cup of real coffee. And just let me say, ILOVECOFFEE. I'm not having a cup every morning (trying to ration it, you see), but dang...that stuff is GOOD.


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