O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
I've been trying to start decorating early this year for Christmas. Monday I pulled down all the Christmas boxes from the attic. Tuesday I put up the tree. Since I had already pulled down everything from the attic and had the boxes set out in the garage, the hard part was pretty much done. We got home, ate a quick supper, and I went to work. We have a pre-lit tree that we bought the first Christmas we were married. I set it up, fluffed the branches, and plugged it in. The middle section of the tree wasn't lighting. I tried to pull out a few bulbs and replace them with some others, but they're (for whatever reason) a different size and the new bulbs wouldn't fit. No biggie. I knew where the stringed lights were in the garage and they would just be added to the tree to cover up its bald spot and the problem would be solved. I strung the first string on the tree, plugged them in, and soon realized that this strand was only lighting halfway. Grrr.... Okay, no biggie. We...