My Freezer Challenge: Day 10
Saturday was a day. Ryan helped a coworker move and was tied up with that pretty much all day. My day consisted of a trip to Kohl's to search for pants that don't require cinching (all you ladies with "the booty" holla!) for when I go back to work. Although I'm close to being at my pre-pregnancy weight, I've still got a ways to go since I was technically dieting when I got pregnant. (although my theory about the newlywed-fat-and-happy-pounds still holds: Nothing is more romantic than Oreos dipped in milk while sitting in your pajamas at 10:30 at night. Nothing. Certainly not the extra 15 pounds you gain while doing so.)
The quest turned out to be successful and so Baby L and I returned home for a day of coughing (him) and blowing of noses (me). Ahhh....the joys of summer colds.
I was able to finish off the English muffins (last one, woot!) for breakfast. When I got home, I had another ham sandwich (I'm eating so many sandwiches that pretty soon my poop will start coming out in slices) and a little nacho invention I came up with myself. I thought cheesy nachos sounded pretty good, but we didn't have any corn chips. And then I remembered those leftover tostados thingys. I grabbed two, sprinkled some shredded cheese on them (don't buy pre-shredded,'s coated with cellulose...thanks, JC!) and popped them in my toaster oven (uses less power than the regular oven). The end result?

Not bad. Not as salty as regular chips, but, as my cousin says, "It fills the void." I also threw in some of those California cherries. I was introduced to these when I worked at the engineering company. A coworker let me try one and I immediately went to Publix, bought a bag and ate the whole thing. And then later at home? I spent the rest of the night in the bathroom. Learned my lesson, but I still love them. Just have to take them in moderation.
Baby L and I napped on the couch a little and I finally got up and put him in his crib. Ryan soon got home and after a shower got on his bed and took a nap. Sebastian was on the ottoman also sacked out so I quickly found myself restless. I started cleaning a little and sorting through a few things. It's come to my attention that I start a lot of projects and never finish them. I found two burp cloths that I had made for Easter Sunday and never finished. So...grabbed the embroidery machine and was actually was able to finish them. Go me!
By the time supper rolled around Ryan was exhausted, Lane was super sleepy, and I was wondering if the headache I had was the beginning stages of my head imploding. So...I asked if we could have Chick-fil-a. Ryan asked if that was going to mess up my challenge and I sweetly informed him, "I. Don't. Care."
The quest turned out to be successful and so Baby L and I returned home for a day of coughing (him) and blowing of noses (me). Ahhh....the joys of summer colds.
I was able to finish off the English muffins (last one, woot!) for breakfast. When I got home, I had another ham sandwich (I'm eating so many sandwiches that pretty soon my poop will start coming out in slices) and a little nacho invention I came up with myself. I thought cheesy nachos sounded pretty good, but we didn't have any corn chips. And then I remembered those leftover tostados thingys. I grabbed two, sprinkled some shredded cheese on them (don't buy pre-shredded,'s coated with cellulose...thanks, JC!) and popped them in my toaster oven (uses less power than the regular oven). The end result?
Not bad. Not as salty as regular chips, but, as my cousin says, "It fills the void." I also threw in some of those California cherries. I was introduced to these when I worked at the engineering company. A coworker let me try one and I immediately went to Publix, bought a bag and ate the whole thing. And then later at home? I spent the rest of the night in the bathroom. Learned my lesson, but I still love them. Just have to take them in moderation.
Baby L and I napped on the couch a little and I finally got up and put him in his crib. Ryan soon got home and after a shower got on his bed and took a nap. Sebastian was on the ottoman also sacked out so I quickly found myself restless. I started cleaning a little and sorting through a few things. It's come to my attention that I start a lot of projects and never finish them. I found two burp cloths that I had made for Easter Sunday and never finished. So...grabbed the embroidery machine and was actually was able to finish them. Go me!
By the time supper rolled around Ryan was exhausted, Lane was super sleepy, and I was wondering if the headache I had was the beginning stages of my head imploding. So...I asked if we could have Chick-fil-a. Ryan asked if that was going to mess up my challenge and I sweetly informed him, "I. Don't. Care."