My Freezer Challenge: Day 11
Okay, another "Sam's" confession. I buy my pancake mix from Sam's. Yes, it's a huge bag, and no, I don't make that many pancakes. I actually got started buying it there by my mom. When I was in school she would get up and make me huge breakfasts each morning. I'm not talking about cereal with cheese toast. Oh no. The only time I got cereal was on the weekends or if I was having it with something else like eggs, bacon, and a grapefruit. Seriously. I'm SO not kidding.My mother is also known for her amazing pancakes. She puts just a tiny bit extra cooking oil in the pan and that makes the edges crispy. And then you drown them in butter and syrup and they just slide right down (with a few cubes of cheese on the side...Ryan thinks this is super weird, but I LOVE it). When I first got married I was actually a little depressed because I wasn't going to get her pancakes all the time anymore. Fortunately, I only live 3.3 miles from her house and I now have a son that one day will eat solids and so I'll totally be sponging some pancakes...possibly from his plate. Anyway, she'd make these pancakes all the time and we were constantly buying boxes of pancake mix. After a while she learned that Sam's sells a huge bag of the stuff and not only is it way cheaper than the boxes, it tastes really good (because let's face it, not all mixes are equal).
I woke up yesterday morning still sick with this summer cold and wanted some FOOD. (I use all caps there because I didn't want cereal. I wanted substance.) I pulled out the eight pound bag of pancake mix and decided to get creative. A quick trip to the freezer produced my bag of Register's sausage (from Sam's!), and if you don't know what this is, I pity you...and we'll talk later. I cooked the sausage on the stove top and then cut each slice in quarters. Mixed up the pancake mix with water just like I was making plain old pancakes. THEN, I took my muffin tin, sprayed some muffin papers (because although I'm 27 years old, I STILL cannot cook a stinkin' muffin and keep from losing the bottom half of it to the muffin cup). Poured the mix in each cup and then stuffed some sausage bits into each muffin. Let them bake for approximately 20 minutes at 350 and pulled them out. I then put a little dab of butter on each muffin just as I would have done to each pancake.
The end result?

They weren't bad! And if your stupid muffin paper sticks to the muffin and you lose a good portion of the actual muffin, it's okay. Pour your syrup on the BOTTOM of the muffin and the bread soaks it up much better. :-) (I swear, if I get any smarter...)
For lunch we had yet another sandwich. Ryan seems to be jumping on board with my challenge as he decided he was going to finish off the Cuban bread. Remember that loaf I bought for Wednesday night? Yeah...note to self: that kind of bread doesn't stay fresh that long. He toasted it thinking that would soften it up a bit...and it did...but it was pretty much a rock to begin with. was like a softened rock for lunch. While I was sitting at the table (I chose a sandwich thin for mine...'cause you know, I like my teeth) and laughing at him, he'd stop and start massaging his gums with his tongue. I finally asked him what he was doing and he replied, "I think there's shards of crust stuck between my teeth and gums. Why are you laughing? It hurts. Seriously, stop laughing."
On another note, Baby L is getting big. I can't believe he's already three months old. His carrier is SOOOOO heavy, his toes are reaching the far end of the pajamas, and his bottom half no longer fits in the Miracle Blanket. So while we are still swaddling him in it, we're just leaving his legs hanging out. (which looks kind of pathetic, but he's not complaining.) We have also discovered that he really likes watching TV or a computer screen. While I ran to shower the other night Ryan held him while checking stuff on the lappy. When I came out, L was straining to get a good view of the laptop screen.
The end result?
They weren't bad! And if your stupid muffin paper sticks to the muffin and you lose a good portion of the actual muffin, it's okay. Pour your syrup on the BOTTOM of the muffin and the bread soaks it up much better. :-) (I swear, if I get any smarter...)
For lunch we had yet another sandwich. Ryan seems to be jumping on board with my challenge as he decided he was going to finish off the Cuban bread. Remember that loaf I bought for Wednesday night? Yeah...note to self: that kind of bread doesn't stay fresh that long. He toasted it thinking that would soften it up a bit...and it did...but it was pretty much a rock to begin with. was like a softened rock for lunch. While I was sitting at the table (I chose a sandwich thin for mine...'cause you know, I like my teeth) and laughing at him, he'd stop and start massaging his gums with his tongue. I finally asked him what he was doing and he replied, "I think there's shards of crust stuck between my teeth and gums. Why are you laughing? It hurts. Seriously, stop laughing."
On another note, Baby L is getting big. I can't believe he's already three months old. His carrier is SOOOOO heavy, his toes are reaching the far end of the pajamas, and his bottom half no longer fits in the Miracle Blanket. So while we are still swaddling him in it, we're just leaving his legs hanging out. (which looks kind of pathetic, but he's not complaining.) We have also discovered that he really likes watching TV or a computer screen. While I ran to shower the other night Ryan held him while checking stuff on the lappy. When I came out, L was straining to get a good view of the laptop screen.
Here they are checking Slashdot.