This Is Why I'll be Going Back to Work

When Ryan and I sit down for supper at night we usually have the boring conversation of, "What did you do today?" My side usually consists of laundry, picking up the house, errands, couponing (although not lately), wiping rear, waiting for the mailman (by the way, I noticed today he has a HUGE scorpion tattoo on his right shin and a lizard one on his left calf...just thought I'd share)...the usual. Today, though, I thought I'd go for something a little different. After preparing our chicken kabobs for marinating (and playing the "let's pretend we're on a cooking show" game with Baby L), I decided we needed to play "photo shoot". Enjoy...I sure did.

And this year we have the new Karate Kid...wearing his mother's maiden name initials!

Mommy, please...turn the light out. I'm tired and want to go to sleep now.

"I know, I know, I look like my father, but I have my mother's eyes."
(Don't worry, these glasses don't really have a prescription to them. They're basically clear glass.)

Do you think my tractor's sexy?

Baklava. Must have more baklava.

Phalanges! Phalanges! Dancing phalanges!

Stick 'em up!

Tonight, for you, I have a special treat!

Do you know the true path to eternal salvation?
(one ticket please...)

Let's see...there's got to be a slot in my schedule for nap time...

Crap! My schedules completely full! AGH!!!!

Be cool, man, be cool.

This calls for a celebration!

Agh!!!! I can't find my lighter!

And this? This is why I'll be going back to work.


Oh. My. Gosh. That was so funny I'm sitting alone at my computer laughing audibly! (Is it really audibly if no one can hear me?) Anyway. Reminded me of "Whose Line is it Anyway?". You definitely could bring that show back...I will be showing this to my hubby! When do you go back to work?
Kelley Close said…
Hey girl...I'll be going back July 1. It's coming faster than I realize.

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